Sitters of the Red Ajah

Current staff of Sitters – Winter term 2012

Chaelca and Panchi Sedai will assist the Head and the First Sitter in the multitude of tasks, depending where the need arrises.


At this time there are no limits on the amount of time a Sitter will serve.

General Information Sitters

The Red Ajah follows a policy of open and equal membership, in which all members have an equal voice.

The Head of Ajah has the final say in all matters and balances the will of the members with the good of the Ajah and the demands of the Org and DM.

Red Aes Sedai are highly independent people and have large freedom in whatever they wish to pursue. They can and are encouraged to take initiatives to keep the Ajah alive and thriving in any aspect they feel drawn to. To that end we maintain an open communication in which all Reds can take part and voice their opinion and thoughts freely and without reserve.

The Sitters are the driving force behind the Ajah. They are the assistants of the Highest and perform whatever function is needed of them at any given time during their term.

Sitters are chosen by the Head of Ajah based on proven involvement, shown talent, their own expressed desire to take on the responsibility and as a recognition of participation, involvment and activity in and for the Ajah. Idealy all Aes Sedai of the Ajah will at some point become a Sitter in one or several of the appointed area’s. The deciding condition will always be the good of the Ajah as a whole.

The replacement of a Sitter in a new term does not mean she or he is demoted or is deemed less worthy. The goal is to have a rotation in which all members of the Ajah get a chance to show their commitment and put their own stamp on their home.

It goes without saying that the Sitters will be working closely together as well as with the Head. This goes also for the participation of the Aes Sedai and the Red Accepteds.

Focus points and tasks

These are some of the aspects a Sitter can be asked or choose to work on:

– informing the Ajah of news and announcements that is of importance or interesting to know.

– management of Red members’ information (raisings, bondings, news)

– Red Projects for the members of the Ajah and/or aspies

– Red Activities on the public Ajah boards

– Red Events in the Org and/or DM

– Inter-Ajah relationship

– Red Ajah connections to the Aspies of the Org (both for the WT and the Warder Guild)

– DM-wide relationships and interactions (eg: welcoming new members of DM, inter-org activities, etc)


Hall of Honours

*FS: First Sitter 

Previous Sitters:

Janurary 2016 – June 2016 : Torrie Sedai (PS), Chaelca Sedai, Panchi Sedai

October-December 2011: Torrie Sedai (FS), Ahmoondah Sedai
July-September 2011: Torrie Sedai (FS), Tynaal Sedai
April-June 2011: Torrie Sedai (FS), Tynaal Sedai
Jan-March 2011: Torrie Sedai (FS), Reyn Sedai
July-December 2010: Torrie Sedai (FS), Reyn Sedai
April-June 2010: Torrie Sedai, Tynaal Sedai
Jan-March 2010: Dragonsworn Sedai, Torrie Sedai
October – December 2009: Elgee Sedai, Dragonsworn Sedai, Narina Sedai
July – September 2009: Elgee Sedai, Mayleigh Sedai
April – June 2009: Narina Sedai
Jan-March 2009: Zania Sedai

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