Ajah Events

From time to time, the Red Ajah organizes an event at the Forum boards of the White Tower over on Dragonmount.com
These events are usually open to all members of the site, though sometimes they are limited to members of the White Tower only.

Some of these events stand out by their magnitude, importance or because they have managed to draw a nice level of participation.
On this page, you find a selection of such events, to give you an idea of the activities the Reds get involved in.

International Woman’s Week – IWW

One of the yearly activities of the DM Red Ajah is the organization of IWW, which always falls in the week of International Woman’s Day in the real world. During this event, we celebrate women in all their varieties and splendor. Men and women participate greatly in this event as it is understood by both genders that to celebrate one does not automatically mean to demean the other. This event always draws in quite a crowd and we always have a great deal of fun with it.

IWW 2010 – link to the threads of the IWW event we held in 2010.

IWW 2011 – link to the threads for the IWW that we held in 2011, commemorating the 100th year or International Women’s day.

Autumn Festival

Another of the Red’s yearly activities, usually held in October or November, the Autumn Festival is a sort of Bel Tine Festival which takes a different form each year, depending on who is organizing it. This event can best be explained as a sort of hedgepodge of different types of activities, like you would find at a carnival. A combination of both games and (serious) discussions to which all are invited and everyone is welcome.

Autumn Festival 2010: a link to the Opening ceremony thread of this event in 2010.

Red Ajah Rosebud Awards – RARA’s

The RARA awards were first organized by the Highest, Mystica, in 2010 to celebrate her 3rd anniversary as Head of the best Ajah at Dragonmount (we may be a bit biased).
Based on Dragonmount’s own yearly Empy Awards, the RARA awards presented several categories in which the White Tower members (and for some categories even non-WT members) could vote for their favorite candidate to win the Award.

Cultural Exchange Week

The Cultural Exchange Week was an activity planned by Marta Sedai, during her time as a Red Accepted. A greatly interesting week in which different White Tower members introduced their own country to their peers on Dragonmount. Each participant provided insight knowledge over their own culture and shared this knowledge with the others and those that came to join in the event. It was a great success in which cultural insight and social interaction between cultures were the main ingredients.

Chocolate Covered Everything Day

The Chocolate Covered Everything Day was thought up and organised by Reyn Sedai. Everyone talked about their favourite flavours, crazy chocolate combinations and tons of chocolatey fun *winks*

Mystica’s Dungeon

So what do you do when people annoy you? Well our Head took it all the way. “TO THE DUNGEONS” Mystica yelled. And so all perpetrators get stuffed in the dungeon.
The Dwellers 2009
Dungeon v2.0

Pink Ajah Takeover!!

So…. the Head Nut goes on LoA and what do we do? Turn everything pink!!! And guess what? She absolutely loved it. (Well anyone that knows Mystica, knows she would)


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